The onramps back toward recovery can help someone manage or even prevent relapses. Find out which traps are likely to challenge your recovery end-game and learn how to sidestep them. Being alone with one’s thoughts for too long can lead to relapse. It’s important to remember that recovery is a lifelong journey. One expert explains that recovery is more like a form of remission, where relapse is still possible.
Sometimes slip and relapse are used interchangeably, so it can be confusing. Some addicts see them as the same thing, but really it depends an individuals unique experiences with addiction. However, Most addiction professionals distinguish between slip and relapse by looking at the addict’s intention. Relapse happens when a recovery plan is completely abandoned. going back to rehab The majority of people who decide to end addiction have at least one lapse or relapse during the recovery process. Studies show that those who detour back to substance use are responding to drug-related cues in their surroundings—perhaps seeing a hypodermic needle or a whiskey bottle or a person or a place where they once obtained or used drugs.
What to Do When a Loved One Relapses
A good relapse prevention plan specifies a person’s triggers for drug use, lists some coping skills to summon up and distractions to engage in, and lists people to call on for immediate support, along with their contact information. Many people seeking to recover from addiction are eager to prove they have control of their life and set off on their own.
That’s when we’ll shatter the shame of this disease and it will fall into rank and file with other diseases. That’s when we’ll be able to cite the science to counter the reasons why people often relapse after years in sobriety. If you had discontinued therapy prior to a relapse, it may be time to resume it. Learning to manage your triggers is important and even if you previously took therapy, some extra support during this time might be a good idea.
Relapsing after Long Term Sobriety – Coping with Embarrassment and Shame
The sooner someone can stop using again, the better chances they have at minimizing the damage. There are unfortunate misconceptions around relapsing, and this creates some dissonance on how to help someone who has encountered or is experiencing a relapse. There are different things to understand when it comes to dealing with a relapsing alcoholic or drug addict. It is important to understand that not everyone in recovery experiences a relapse. However, it is a topic that everyone should be aware of and mindful of in recovery. It’s important to know the difference between a slip and a relapse, two very different situations that can occur in recovery. Life will continue to throw curveballs and challenges, no matter how long one has been sober.
What are the top 3 factors that contribute to relapse?
- The severity and consequences of addiction;
- Co-occurring mental or medical conditions; and.
- The individuals coping skills, motivation, and support system. [1]